Party Like a Start - Night Life Clubbing Website
Party Like A Star
Party Like A Start is an entertainment website that focuses on organizing the event with equal amount of males and females attending the party. It is one of our inherited projects. It includes flash and PHP modifications. Some interesting features include site based background sound managements system where you can control sounds on one page and all other pages will learn the settings automatically.
Party Like A Star
www.partylikeastar.com Party Like A Start is an entertainment website that focuses on organizing the event with equal amount of males and females attending the party. It is one of our inherited projects. It includes flash and PHP modifications. Some interesting features include site based background sound managements system where you can control sounds on one page and all other pages will learn the settings automatically.
www.partylikeastar.com Party Like A Start is an entertainment website that focuses on organizing the event with equal amount of males and females attending the party. It is one of our inherited projects. It includes flash and PHP modifications. Some interesting features include site based background sound managements system where you can control sounds on one page and all other pages will learn the settings automatically.